In its first Open Call DIVA is giving the opportunity for SMEs to present technological solutions in the areas of Agrofood, Forest and Environment.
In total, €1.35M is available to support companies in Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, Italy and Ireland to submit innovative projects. Applications can be made by February 1, 2019.
The objective is to build a new digitech value chain that will be demonstrated in real environments and that will begin its internationalization.

“The focus is on supporting the development of new technologies, big data, cloud computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, cyberphysical systems, internet of things and digital / electronic and photonic components, digital platforms because they bring new perspectives of innovation to the agrofood industry, forest and environment,” said Sara Neves, Researcher at INESC TEC & PhD Candidate at the University of Porto.
Two calls will be launched with a budget of about €3 million to finance the development of new products and services, through various types of innovation vouchers that can go up to €60,000:
- Coaching and Mentoring, vouchers up to €10,000, to finance consulting services and specialized technical assistance to accelerate the innovation process.
- Maturation, vouchers up to €10,000, to finance the technological maturation of SMEs through specialized technical assistance.
- Demonstration, vouchers from €25,000 to €60,000, to finance the demonstration of innovative solutions in real environment or in “almost real.”
- Internationalization, vouchers up to €30,000, to finance consulting services and specialized technical assistance in the internationalization process, as well as participation in international fairs and events.
The projects can be individual or consortium, and in any case must be led by a company.
The project in Portugal is led by the Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship of INESC TEC and INOVISA.
DIVA is funded by the research and innovation program of the European Union H2020 under agreement number 777890.
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